Getting Started

CDP® Renewal

In order to process renewal certifications much quicker, we have gone to an online renewal system that will automatically email you a new certification upon completing the online renewal application and paying for your renewal. You can also download the renewal application and mail it to the address listed which is NCCDP 55 Main Street, Suite 102 Sparta NJ 07871 USA or you can fax it to 1.973.860.2244. Upon receiving your application the certification will be emailed to you.


Click here for current fees

CDP Retiree:
As you enter the best stage of your life, we know it’s important for many to keep their credentials. The CDP renewal application fee is $180.00. If you are retired, we do not require continuing education to maintain the CDP certification.

NCCDP provides corporate organizations a significant discount towards their employees’ CDP certification.
Click here to view the CDP group rate

If you are fully retired, no contact hours or CE’s are required.

Corporate Discount for Renewal Certifications

Corporations that are investing in the employees’ group renewal applications should please download the renewal application and have each employee complete the renewal application. Please send the renewal applications (in their entirety) as a bundle to the:

NCCDP 55 Main Street, Suite 102 Sparta NJ 07871. We will email the renewal certification directly to each employee’s email address unless you specify otherwise. Since the corporation is paying for the renewals, you have the option of requesting that the certifications be emailed to you for distribution.

If you want a hard copy, there is an additional fee of $60.00 pp. In that case, please include a corporate letter that states the address and whose attention the new certifications are to be mailed back to for distribution. The corporate discount rate is $50.00 pp plus ($60.00 pp for hard copy) and a group shipping fee of $30.00.

Again, if we are emailing the renewal certification the cost is $180.00 pp and there is no shipping fee.

If paying by check, please make payable to the NCCDP. If paying by credit card, please include in a corporate letter the following information:

  • Type of Card such as Visa
  • Name on Card
  • Number
  • Expiration Date
  • CSV Number
  • Billing address where the credit card bill is sent to.
  • Email address for receipt
  • Phone number and contact name
  • Amount to charge

If you have any questions please email

CEU Information

  • Body of Knowledge
  • NCCDP CEU Program for CDP’s in good standing.
  • NCCDP provides CEU opportunities through NCCDP Online Learning powered by NetCE. We also accept any healthcare-related topics from university, webinars, live seminars, online in-services and courses, in-services, magazine CEU’s, etc. You must have a certificate of attendance for each CEU/CE course/seminar you have participated in. The certificate must have the following information: Name of course/seminar, date of seminar/course, hours Example 8:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. or another example 3hours, location, instructor name, and your name.  

We will not ask you to provide the certificate of attendance unless you are audited. We ask that you keep all certificates of attendance for two years from the date your renewal is due. In the event of the audit, you will be asked to submit proof of attendance at the seminars/courses you attended which will be the certificate. If you are submitting CE’s for company in-services we will accept a sign-in sheet or letter from the educator. 

  • Obtain 10 CEUs or 10 CEs in any healthcare-related topic. If you have retired, you are not required to submit 10 CEUs nor 10 continuing education hours to renew your certification.


We do accept any healthcare-related topic via other means such as Webinar, Online courses, University or College Classes, Live Seminars, Magazine CEU’s or CEs.

You do not need to be a member to access the NCCDP Online Learning.



“NCCDP works to protect your privacy, but we must rely on you to tell us if you have changed your email address or if your email address has been hacked. NCCDP will continue to use the email address that we have on file for you unless we hear from you that it has been changed or hacked.”

CE’s or 10 contact hours are required every two years in any healthcare-related topic from any source.  NCCDP recommends obtaining CEU opportunities through NCCDP Online Learning powered by NetCE. Proof of your hours is not required at the time of renewal. If you are selected for an audit, you will be required to show proof of your hours. A certificate of attendance is required for each education topic. Please hold your certificate of attendance for two years. Each certificate must have your name, date of (course/seminar/ online learning/ magazine education course) address of education if applicable/ number of CE’s or contact hours/ date/ instructor name.

If you are fully retired, no contact hours or CE’s are required.

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