Certified Correctional Personnel Dementia Trainer® CCPDT®

This educational seminar is designed to educate and prepare the nurse/or clinical trainer of a medical correctional facility for the purposes of presenting the NCCDP Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Seminar for Correctional Personnel to those working in a correctional medical facility who provide day to daycare and/or management of inmates/patients that have symptoms of dementia-related to Alzheimer’s Disease or other related neurocognitive diseases/disorders.


How Do I Obtain Certification?

Step 1 Circle SVG CDP NCCDP

Step 1

Contact Us

Your organization contacts NCCDP to arrange a group training of the educators providing education to the Correctional Personnel. Please contact by calling us at 1.973.729.6601 or emailing us. 

Step 2 Circle SVG CDP NCCDP

Step 2

Once your organization has arranged for training, complete the online application form:



After completing the above:

Attend the one-day live in-person CCPDT. In the class, you will receive a Correctional Personnel Dementia curriculum PowerPoint presentation on Memory Stick, Instructor Manual, Master Student Handout Notebook, Textbooks (environment, activities, diagnosis, and communication) video on Sexuality on a memory stick, pretest, post-test and certification as a CCPDT. You are then authorized as a CCPDT to provide the CPDT Correctional Personnel Dementia Training curriculum. 

More About CCPDT®

Course Goals and Objectives:

– To prepare the trainer with fundamental education on dementia and dementia care within the medical correctional facility.
– To direct and educate staff with the content of the seminar to enhance the quality of life of dementia patients in the medical correctional facility by educating care providers
– Foster sensitivity and respect for the dementia client among the correctional personnel.
– To teach communication techniques to utilize with the dementia client
– To provide sensitive approaches for assisting patients with activities of daily living in the medical correctional facility.

Correctional Personnel Trainer will:
– Impart an understanding of dementia to the correctional personnel.
– Explain the common causes of aggressive, repetitive, and sundowning behaviors in adults.
– Describe behavioral/care interventions that may be used to prevent or reduce difficult care situations.
– Describe challenges related to caregiver stress and utilize stress reduction techniques.
– Discuss alternative activity interventions that are success-oriented and failure-free.
– Distribute a certificate of attendance to students upon completion of the seminar.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Dementia: Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment
Chapter 2: Communication and Feelings
Chapter 3: Depression and Repetitive Behaviors
Chapter 4: Delusions, Hallucinations, Hoarding, & Wandering (Walking Behavior)
Chapter 5: Aggressive Behaviors, Catastrophic Reactions, Intimacy, and Sexuality
Chapter 6: Personal Care: Pain, Bathing, Dressing, Toileting, Nutrition, Falls, and Sleep Disturbances
Chapter 7: Activities
Chapter 8: Environment
Chapter 9: Staff and Family Support
Chapter 10: Diversity and Cultural Competence
Chapter 11: Spiritual Care and End of Life Issues
Chapter 12: Bibliography
Chapter 13: Glossary and Resources

Renewal Process

Renew Certification

Login to your account and if eligible to renew, a renewal button will be visible on your account page. The renewal button will show up 60 days prior to the expiration date.

CCPDT® Frequently Asked Questions

  • Must have at least one year of experience in the correctional field.
  • Must have at least one year of experience presenting courses, seminars, or staff in-services.
  • Must be actively employed at a correctional facility.
  • A sample in-service, course, or seminar
  • copy of any licenses/certifications that you hold
  • copy of a degree or transcript
  • resume

Contact NCCDP at (973) 729-6601 or nccdpoffice@nccdp.org for pricing information.

Renewal is every two years. The cost for renewal is $180. You will log in at www.nccdp.org/login, complete the renewal application, and submit payment.

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