Continuing Education Body of Knowledge

NCCDP accepts all healthcare-related topics from any source including staff in-services, college classes, Netce, conferences, magazine contact hours, CMS, etc. All certifications require contact hours every two years. Check the certification page for the number of hours required.

Certification Information

When applying for certification, depending on which certification you select, will determine the qualification, supporting documents, and course work you will be required to upload or complete online.

Approved CADDCT trainers are listed on the NCCDP website that you can either register directly with the CADDCT® Trainer for the ADDC Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care seminar or you can register with the NCCDP corporate staff. The ADDC seminar is one of the requirements for the CDP and CDSGF certification. You can either apply online or download the application and mail it in with supporting documents.

For the CADDCT Instructor, CDCM®, or CFRDT® applications, please attach the required information and documents and apply online, fax-in, or mail to the NCCDP. For CDCM® and Instructor applications, you are not required to complete the NCCDP Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminar prior to attending the CDCM® or Instructor (CADDCT) class. The CADDCT seminar includes CDP certification.

First Responders, please see the website for CFRDT and CFR-DT®​​​​​​​ applications for more information, fees, and course schedule.

For Correctional Personal and Correctional Personal Trainers please see the website for information, fees, and course schedule.

Need continuing education credits – check out the NCCDP Online Learning Powered by NetCE!

Body of Knowledge Quick Links

Getting Started - General Information on CEUs

The topics listed below is a generalized list of topics & categories that NCCDP will accept for renewal of your certification. NCCDP accepts any healthcare-related topic from any source including but not limited to; staff in-services, universities (national or international), learning institutions (national or international), private seminars, E-learning, magazine articles, conferences, correspondence, webinars, and teleconferences.

Please check the welcome letter that you received with your certification, which provides the number of hours required to submit your renewal application. Your certification is renewed by you every two years. You will receive a renewal letter by snail mail and an email, 60 days prior to the renewal date. It is your responsibility to notify NCCDP of address or email change.

The contact hours or CEUs must be within a two year period corresponding with your renewal dates. For example; (Beginning date 2022- (Expiration date) 2024. Your education hours must take place between (example) years 2022 and 2024.

If you are not sure if a topic, seminar, in-service, private seminar, conference, college class, magazine education, CEU, CE, etc., will be accepted, please contact the NCCDP directly for clarification. Please use the contact form. NCCDP does not ask you to upload your contact hours at the time of renewal unless you are selected for audit.

How Many CEUs or Contact Hours Do I need?

CDP-10 hours
CADDCT-10 or you have presented the NCCDP ADDC seminar at minimum twice within a two year period.
CDCM-10 hours
CPCHCP-4 hours
CFRDT- 4  hours
CFR-DT-4 hours
CDSGF-4 hours
CCPDT-10 hours
CDTCP-10 hours
ICCDP CMDCP -4 hours. Only with the organization listed.

The NCCDP accepts your organization’s in-service, education, or online education. If the Nurse Educator does not provide certificates for each topic presented, NCCDP  will need something in writing from the Nurse Educator or Administrator or Director of Nursing that provides the following information;  the date of training, time frame, and topic covered, presentation style (i.e., video) name of the trainer/educator and your name. This document must be dated and presented on company letterhead. This can also be the sign-in sheet for the staff in-service or education program. We accept almost all in-services that are healthcare-related and or dementia-related.

For all other hours, you must have a certificate as proof of topics that you attended which includes at a minimum:

  • Name of the seminar: i.e., Wandering and Hoarding
  • Date – Day and Month and Year
  • Location- Full address, city, and state or Webinar, e-learning, etc.
  • Time of Seminar- i.e., 1 Hour or 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. 
  • Instructor Name: i.e., Jennifer Smith  LPN
  • Your name on the certificate: i.e., Betty Ann Jones
  • Number of CEU’s or CEs – i.e.,1 Contact Hour, or 7 CEUs

We understand that some conferences do not provide certificates but generally they provide some kind of written documentation signed by the Conference host. This will be accepted.

Please note that the topics and the categories are generalized and not specific names of the education program. These are guidelines for the types of seminars, courses, in-services that the NCCDP will accept when renewing your certification. If you do not see a specific category for a seminar, course, or in-service that you are submitting with your online renewal application, please contact the NCCDP Membership Services department for clarification. Please use the contact form.

Topic Guidelines

1. Ethics

​​​​​​​Ethics and Death and Dying
Ethics in the Work Place
Ethics and Management Issues
Ethics and Dementia
Healthcare-related Ethic topics

2. Spirituality

Culture Diversity
Religion and the Elderly
Specific religions
Spiritual Care and Dementia
Spirituality and Aging
Spirituality and Dying
Spirituality and the Care Giver
Spirituality and the Non-Religious
The role of the Chaplain in Dementia Care

3. Death and Dying

Advance Directives, Living Wills
Bereavement & Funerals
Caregiver Bill of Rights
Dying Person / Bill of Rights
Dying Process
End of Life Decisions
End-Stage Dementia
Funeral services in facilities
Managing Grief / Loss
Music for the Dying
Problems associated with Dying
Saying Goodbye for the Care Giver
Stages of Dying

4. Stress

Abuse & Neglect
Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Caregiver Needs
Conflict and Negotiation
Coping Skills
Elderly as CareGivers
Emotional and Physical Abuse
Emotional Intelligence
Humor and Laughter
Issues related to Caregiver and Families
Preventing Job Burnout
Setting Boundaries
Social Worker & Geriatric Care Managers
Staff and Family Burn Out Issues
Stress and the Care Giver
Support Services
Taking Care of Yourself
The burden of Care Giving

5. Organizational Skills & Time Management

Dealing with Interruptions
Emotional Intelligence
Learning to Say NO!
Management Issues Related to Leading Staff
Procrastination / Creating Balance
Quality Assurance
Setting Priorities / Saying No
Time management
Ways to get organized / clutter / Hoarding

6. Communications and Approaches

Care Planning
Communication and Medical Professionals, Geriatric Care Managers, Discharge Planning
Conflict and Negotiation
Cultural diversity
Dealing with Families, reframing, strategies, cultural diversity, language barriers, Family Dynamics
Language Barriers
Listening skills
Noise and Q/A
Reality Orientation VS Enter Their Reality and Live Their Truth
Referral and Community Support, Support Groups
Self Esteem
Validation Therapy
Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication

7. Wandering / Elopement

Anti Wandering Devices
Aware of Toxins
Care planning
Ethical situations
Falls / Incidents
Legal issues with wandering and elopement
Locked Units
Medications for Wandering
NonPharmalogical approaches
Use of interventions and care planning
Wandering Committees
Weight loss and Dehydration Concerns

8. Hoarding

Care planning
Ethical Dilemmas
How to work with your client who hoards
Resident Rights
Theory and approaches
Understanding hoarding

9. Activities & Dementia Activities

All topics associated with calendar development
Care Planning
Dance and Art
Drama Programs
Groups, Large Groups, and Small Groups
Horticulture and Aroma Therapy
Individualized Programs
Life Skills
Low Functioning Programs / Music Programs
Pet Therapy & Intergenerational Programming
Pet Therapy and Intergenerational Programs
Policy and Procedures
Promoting Independence & Autonomy
Reminiscence Programs
Room Bound Programs
Sensory stimulation Programming and Sensory Rooms as an alternative activity
Special Event
Spiritual and Religious
Survey preparedness
Training Staff
Wandering / Elopement Activities

10. Team Work in Alzheimer’s Disease Care

Communications with your team
Emergency Procedures
Policy and Procedures
Staffing Issues & Dementia Units
Survey preparedness
Team Meetings & Team Building

11. Dealing with Difficult Behavior

Assessment Tools
Breaking Down Tasks
Care planning
Caregiver Support
Dealing with Dementia & Catastrophic
Documenting Behavior
Environment ( lighting, temperature, crowding, light, noise)
Family Support
Identifying Symptoms / Triggers / Causes / Meaning
New advances and techniques
Non-pharmacological approaches
Paranoia / Hallucinations
Physical Behavior
Plan & Anticipate Aggressive Behaviors
Psychiatric diagnosis
Reactions / Aggressive Behaviors
Sexual Behavior
Verbal Outbursts
Wandering / Pacing / Elopement

12. ADL’s

Care Planning / MDS
Comfort Measures
Eating / Nutrition
Feeding Tubes / Swallowing
New approaches
Sleep Disturbances

13. Pharmacy

Care planning and documentation
Home Remedies / Be Careful
Medication Errors
Medications and Precautions
New Medications / Alzheimer’s / Dementia
Non-pharmacological approaches
Pain Management
Recognizing Pain & Faces of Pain
Side Effects

14. Sexuality

Assessment, Care Planning, MDS
Comfort Measures
Dealing with Inappropriate Sexual Behavior
Dignity and Respect
Family Concerns
Intimacy & Dementia
Legal Issues
Policy and Procedures
Resident Rights
Sex and the Care Giver Issues

15. Depression in Dementia

Activities, Leisure Pursuits
Care Planning
Diagnosis, Treatment
Non-pharmacological approaches

16. Multicultural Considerations

Language & Communication
Religions & Non Religious Beliefs

17. Care Planning

Interventions and Time Frames
Care Plans and Dementia
Documentation / Dementia
Quality Indicator Report
Quality Assurance

18. Environment

Creating a Home-Like Setting
Dementia Settings
Eliminating Noise & noise study Quality Assurance
New Ideas
Safety Concerns

19. Feelings

Approaches for Dementia Patient and Care Giver
Caregiver Concerns
Patient concerns
Support Groups

20. Resident Rights / Patient Rights

End of Life
Legal Issues

21. Safety

Anticipating Violence
Care Planning
Elopement / Wandering / Pacing
Emergency Preparedness (Evacuation from Dementia Units)
Falls & Incidents & Accidents
First Aid
Non-Violence Self Protection
Safety and Hazards
Toxic Substances

22. General – Health

​​​​​​​Person-Centered Care
Alcohol and Drug Screen
Alzheimer’s Disease
Best Practice
Care Planning
Changes in Condition and cognition
Culture Change
Delusions, Delirium, Hallucinations
Dementia Diagnosis
Dementia Disease and Definition
Depression Screen
Discharge off Dementia Units
End of Life Concerns
Identification of Specific Dementia
Infection Control
Irreversible Dementia
Lewy Body
MAD COW Disease and Creutzfeld Jakob
Malnutrition / Dehydration
Mini-Mental Assessment Tool
Montessori Dementia Specific Topics
Other Dementias (over 60 kinds)
Personalizing Room for Leisure and Comfort Measures
Picks Disease
Policy and Procedures
Providing Education to Staff and Family
Quality Assurance
Rehab (PT, OT, and Speech)
Reversible Dementias
Skin Care
Stages of Alzheimer’s disease
Testing Procedures
Vascular Dementia
Violent Behavior

23. Montessori Dementia Specific Topics


NCCDP Members Only Section

Notice- You must be a certified, corporate, or associate member in good standing to gain access to our free CEU section located in the MEMBERS ONLY section.

Attention Organizations / Associations Conferences

We accept any healthcare-related topic. We allow you to place on your certificate that the seminar is National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioner CEU/CE approved. You are required to contact us via phone to confirm that we do accept the healthcare-related topic or dementia-specific topic. Our members need 10 CEUs to renew every two years.

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