National council of certified Dementia Practitioners

Making a positive difference in dementia is our priority.

For over 20 years, we’ve empowered those who work in the eldercare community with knowledge, compassion, and empathy, striving to make a positive difference in dementia care.

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Certified Dementia Practitioner

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Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer®

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Explore Our Certifications

The certifications offered by NCCDP are open to many different individuals -ranging from home healthcare to first responders and more.

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Get Certified

In addition to CADDCT™ , NCCDP offers other certifications. They include Certified Dementia Practitioner® , Certified Dementia Care Manager®, Certified First Responder Dementia Trainer®, and more.

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NCCDP and trainers provide seminars in Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care throughout the United States, NCCDP also provides online continuing education opportunities for its members.

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Become a Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer™! Train others and prepare the front-line staff and health care professionals to become a Certified Dementia Practitioner(CDP).

About US

NCCDP History

The National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners, LLC was formed in 2003 by Lynn Biot Gordon and Sandra Stimson with varying work and personal experiences in the field of dementia care.

These professionals ultimately created NCCDP to promote standards of excellence in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease education to health care professionals, front line staff, caregivers and more.

The latest News


Upcoming events and news about NCCDP


How To Talk To Someone With Dementia

Talking to someone with dementia can be tough for caregivers. As cognitive abilities decline, having conversations becomes more difficult for both the person with dementia


The Impact Of Dementia On Caregivers And Family Members

Caregiving for dementia can have profound effects on both the individual with dementia and their loved ones. While dementia may affect the person diagnosed, the

Using her CADDCT training, Della makes a profound difference in the lives of families navigating dementia care in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

CADDCT Spotlight: Della Juliano

Using her CADDCT training, Della makes a profound difference in the lives of families navigating dementia care in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

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